From Atoms to Devices: The Ubiquitous Role of Electron Excitation

    How does the cornstarch jump when placed in a hot pan? Why? Because of the heat! Electron excitation is a process in which electrons gain energy and move from the ground state to a higher energy level. The excited atoms and nuclei return to the ground state, releasing this energy as visible light or gamma radiation that cannot be retained for long. Excitation is how a substance absorbs electromagnetic energy and is heated or ionised.

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    Why is it important to understand electron excitation? Stimulated states of atoms, energy absorption, emission properties, optoelectronic applications, and chemical synthesis can be understood from it. Also in modern chemistry, the process of correlated electron-hole pairs and the kinetic Coulomb attraction. Which determines the energy apart from the energy of the orbit.  Secondary orbital relaxation and repulsion also play a role in electronic excitation processes. The methods of modern quantum chemistry can be understood from the study of molecular orbitals.

    The phenomenon of electron excitation is used in transition metal composites, sensitisers for solar energy conversion, phosphorescent dyes for OLED, luminescence-based sensors, electron- or energy-transfer assemblies, electronics, nonlinear optical materials, photoinitiators, biomolecules as electron transfer triggers, and in photocatalysts. In these applications, it is imperative to understand the redistribution of electron density and structural responses to optical stimuli.

    The study of electron excitation began in the early 20th century. The study of quantum mechanics was started. A Danish physicist, Niels Henrik David Bohr, suggested his hydrogen atom model. He published it in 1913. He tried to explain the concept of calculated energy levels for electrons by the model. Bohr demonstrated electron excitation in his model and successfully explained the spectral lines of hydrogen. The Schrödinger equation is a pioneer in the study of quantum mechanics. It attracted the attention of scientists to study it, and the understanding of the behaviour of electrons became more intimate.

Bohr model

    Let's take a look, at the contributions of key scientists in the study of electron excitation and its related  in chronological order:



Niels Bohr (1885–1962)

He proposed the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom in 1913, introducing the concept of quantized electron energy levels and explaining discrete spectral lines.

Albert Einstein (1879–1955)

He introduced the concept of the photoelectric effect in 1905, demonstrating the particle nature of light and providing experimental proof for the quantization of light energy.

Arnold Sommerfeld (1868–1951)

He expanded upon Bohr's model by introducing elliptical orbits and quantum numbers in 1916. He developed the Sommerfeld-Wilson quantization rules to explain the fine structure of atomic spectra.

Wolfgang Pauli (1900–1958)

He formulated the Pauli exclusion principle in 1925, which restricts the possible transitions and energy levels available to electrons within atoms.

Richard Feynman (1918–1988)

He developed “Feynman diagrams” in the 1940s and 1950s, graphical representations of particle interactions that facilitate calculations of quantum mechanical processes, including electron excitation and scattering.

Gerhard Herzberg (1904–1999)

He pioneered the use of spectroscopic techniques in the 1930s and 1940s to study the energy levels and electronic transitions of molecules, contributing to the understanding of electron excitation processes in molecules.

Ahmed Zewail (1946–2016)

He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1999 for his work on femtochemistry, developing femtosecond laser techniques to observe and manipulate chemical reactions, allowing for the direct observation of electron excitation and dynamics in molecules.

 Demystifying Electrons: A Journey from Fundamentals to Applications

    The world around us shines, doesn't it? We can see light, and color and observe chemical reactions. There is a fundamental process behind this displayed spectacle, and that is - "electron excitation!"

    Understanding electron excitation is crucial because:

  • It is the language of light: light (a photon) interacts with matter through exciting electrons, and matter absorbs energy and emits light. The study of these stimuli led to the use of LEDs, lasers, and solar cells.

  • It drives chemical reactions: So many chemical reactions involve the transfer of electrons through excitation or transmutation. By understanding this process, we can understand and design or create new catalysts, optimize reaction pathways, and develop novel materials that simplify our living standards.

  • It controls physical properties: the arrangement of electrons and their interaction create properties of materials, like conductivity, magnetism, and optical properties. It helps us prepare materials for specific tasks.

 Quantum Mechanics of Electron Excitation: Unveiling the Dance of Electrons

    The world of electron excitation is best understood through the spectacles of quantum mechanics. Let's take a look at the core principles:

Electron Energy Levels:

  • Electrons haven't occupied just any position or energy state in atoms and molecules. They exist at specific, quantized energy levels. It is visualized as electron shells or orbitals.

  • Have you imagined a staircase?! Each step represents an allowed energy level for the electron. The ground state is the lowest step with the lowest energy, and higher energy levels correspond to excited states.

Discussion of Electron Transitions:

  • Electrons can jump from one energy level to another by absorbing or emitting energy packets. These packets are called quanta (photons, in the case of light).

  • Absorption: When an electron absorbs sufficient energetic photons, it gets excited and jumps to a higher energy level.

  • Emission: Electrons emit photons and lose enough energy to match the energy difference between the two layers. The well-known equation  E = hc / λ (where E is the energy, h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is the wavelength) is used to determine its wavelength, which is emitted by photons. The equation is given by Albert Einstein.

Introduction to Quantum Mechanical Principles:

  • In classical physics, an electron's position and momentum can be, however, determined. Quantum mechanics incorporates the concept of probability, which is the opposite of classical physics.

  • We are not able to precisely locate an electron within an orbital. However, we can use electron wave functions to compute the likelihood of finding it in a certain region.

  • Electron transitions are guided by selection criteria, which specify the types of transitions permitted based on the attributes of the initial and final states (for example, angular momentum).

Visualizing the Dance:

    Let's see a dance! Imagine an electron in its floor kingdom, like a dancer standing on the floor. To visit a higher step (excited kingdom), the dancer wishes to leap with the right quantity of energy from a person (absorption of a photon). Once the song stops (rest), the dancer gracefully descends a step (emission of a photon) with a selected quantity of energy based on the peak difference between the stairs.

Quantum mechanics explains electron excitation, which is the reaction among electricity, light, and the probabilistic nature of the electron's global. This is the fundamental expertise for various phenomena in chemistry, physics, and substance technology.

Scientists have various toolkits for investigating electron excitation. Here is a breakdown of the main strategies:

Spectroscopic techniques:

  • Absorption spectroscopy: This approach measures the quantity of light absorbed by means of a cloth at exclusive wavelengths. This is revealed by gazing at the extent of strength involved in electron excitation, as unique wavelengths correspond to the electricity required to promote the electron to a higher kingdom.

  • Emission spectroscopy: This technique analyzes the light emitted by way of a cloth after electron excitation. By looking at the emitted wavelengths, scientists can determine the energy stage to which the electrons return and obtain data about the excited states.

  • Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES): It makes use of ultraviolet (UV) or X-ray radiation to extract electrons from substances. By measuring the kinetic power of the ejected electrons, researchers can calculate the binding power of the electrons in their authentic nation.

Computational modelling:

  • Quantum Mechanics Calculations: With powerful computational tools based totally at the ideas of quantum mechanics, researchers can simulate electron behaviour in atoms and molecules. This allows to expect the excitation energies, the lifespan of the excited states, and the feasible rest pathways.

  • Molecular Dynamics Simulation: By simulating the movement of atoms and electrons in a device over time, how does this electron excitation affect the shape and dynamics of atoms and substances? It can be understood.

Practical processes:

  • Electron Impact Spectroscopy: By reading the scattered electrons and the mild emitted by using colliding electrons with atoms or molecules, scientists can have a look at the excitation approaches generated by electron collisions.

  • Time-resolved spectroscopy: It measures how the properties of an excited country alternate over time, frequently using an ultrashort laser pulse to provoke the excitation and then probing the system with a subsequent mild pulse. This affords precious statistics about the dynamics of rest in excited states.

  • X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) uses X-rays to excite electrons in the main orbitals of atoms. By studying the absorption spectrum, researchers can observe the digital shape and chemical surroundings of the soaking-up molecule.

Using Electron Excitation in Daily Life:

Every day, we use electron excitation-primarily based technologies. Here are a few technologies:

  • Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs): When an electron in a material known as a semiconductor crosses from a better energy country to a lower power nation, it emits electricity as a photon (a light particle).  LEDs may be engineered to emit certain shades of light via various substances and energy degrees used, making them enormously green and flexible mild resources.

  • Laser Technology: Lasers rely on triggered emission, which is initiated through electron excitation. An outside light source excites electrons, and as they fall backpedal, they drive the manufacturing of other photons with identical qualities. This produces a coherent, effective beam of light that may be used for numerous programs, inclusive of cutting and welding (high-powered lasers), clinical remedies (laser surgery), reading optical discs (CD/DVD players), conversation (fiber optic cables), and so on.

  • Solar Cells: Solar cells rework daylight energy (photons) into electricity. When a photon hits a cloth in a solar cell, it is able to excite an electron, allowing it to move through the device, and generate an electric current.  Different styles of solar cells make use of electron excitation in numerous ways to achieve this conversion.

These are just a few examples, and electron excitation plays a role in many other technologies, including:

  • Fluorescent lighting fixtures: They are just like LEDs but use UV light to excite atoms of mercury, which then emit visible light.

  • Flat-panel shows: Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) shows use electron excitation to create mild and photos.

  • Sterilization: Ultraviolet (UV) light can excite electrons in microorganisms and viruses, disrupting their DNA and killing them.

Here are some instrument techniques that rely on electron excitation for their operation, including:



Mass Spectrometers

It analyzes the mass-to-charge ratio of ions, made from pattern molecules with the use of electron excitation strategies like electron effect ionization and chemical ionization

Electron Microscopes (TEM, SEM)

It utilizes electron beams to image samples at high resolution, where electron excitation of the sample leads to the emission of secondary electrons or characteristic X-rays for image generation.

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analyzers

It determines the elemental composition of samples by measuring the characteristic X-rays emitted when atoms are excited by incident X-rays.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometers

It analyzes the nuclear magnetic resonance of atoms within molecules, using electron excitation techniques like radiofrequency pulses to manipulate spin states for determining molecular structure and dynamics.

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)

It determines the concentration of elements in a sample by measuring the absorption of radiation by ground-state atoms, where the absorption causes electron excitation.

Flame Photometry

It determines the concentration of certain elements, particularly alkali and alkaline earth metals, by measuring the characteristic electromagnetic radiation emitted when atoms are excited in a flame.

Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES)

It performs multi-elemental analysis by measuring the characteristic electromagnetic radiation emitted by atoms and ions excited in an inductively coupled plasma.

Laser-induced breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)

It analyses the elemental composition of samples by measuring the characteristic electromagnetic radiation emitted by a plasma plume created by a high-energy laser pulse ablating and vaporizing a small portion of the sample.

Future Directions in Electron Excitation Research

    As the era advances, we can be capable of in addition increase the study and applications of electron excitation. Areas inclusive of quantum computing and nanotechnology are exploring one-of-a-kind methods to apprehend and intelligently manipulate electron behaviour for exceptional applications. The ongoing research in quantum optics and ultrafast spectroscopy will obtain higher peaks together with bringing innovation in technology and generation. 


    Quantum mechanics (which explains how electron excitation works in atoms) is a fundamental area that makes a speciality of the observation of electron excitation, an essential principle in information on the behaviour of atoms and molecules, and its practical applications in numerous medical disciplines. It paves the way for future discoveries and improvements.

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  1. It was awesome sir-ji...😜😜😜


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